National Health Blog Post Month Day 18 – Three Truths and a Lie
Tell us three things that are true about you, your condition, your Health Activism, or your life. Now tell us a lie. Do you think we will be able to tell the difference?
1. I’ve been told “you are what we read about in medical books.”
2. I once showed up in person to my insurance company’s office to check on the status of an appeal.
3. The sight of needles makes me squeamish.
4. Anytime I get new insurance coverage I request a copy of the Plan Document and I read it thoroughly.
Take guess…which one is the lie?
If it’s not number 3 I will be pretty surprised!
It’s not number 3! Surprise! LOL I actually cannot stand to watch the news during flu shot season. I’m not scared of needles, but do not like the sight of them especially as they enter the skin.
Number 2 ! Because your a strong young lady !