This will probably be the first of many rants about Plus Size clothing. I have learned that even my normal sized friends have clothing issues, all sizes vary, as do all bodies. Being a size 2 can be just as challenging to find a nice fitting pair of jeans as being a size 26. I get that, actually I had more clothing disappointments when I was a size 14/16 because there were so many cute shirts or pants IN MY SIZE, yet when I put them on they fit but did not flatter. It was an odd phenomenon for me because usually my “fit” philosophy was “if the clothing FIT on my body then it FIT.” There was no room for flattering because there were actually so few pieces of clothing that would even go on my 500lb body.
So one may wonder if I’m concerned with flattering clothes why am I shopping at Wal-mart? Well, there is the topic for another blog, the price and availability of Plus Size clothing. My quick answer is, if it’s cute and looks nice on me, I do not care what the label says or where it was bought.
Just My Size is one of those known plus size brands; we do not get cute names like Victoria’s Secret. Oh, they abbreviate it to JMS, but still you know it’s Just My Size. Normal sized women get to wear Legg’s Pantyhose, growing up I wore Big Mama You’re Beautiful pantyhose. I appreciate the attempt to boost my self-esteem but I really don’t need that from a pair of XXXL pantyhose.
Throughout the years JMS has been a good reliable friend. Comfortable t-shirts for under $10, and even a few nice surprises like this shirt. One of my FAVORITE shirts purchased a couple years ago: Flattering design, light material, long length, and flutter sleeves that are not tight on my lipedema affected arms.
This year I feel my reliable friend has betrayed me with GLITTER. Why JMS? What’s with ALL THE GLITTER Every t-shirt design has GLITTER! My personality sparkles, my smile shines. I do not need my clothing to do the same. I agree Plus Size women should not be afraid to wear bold colors and be stylish. But GLITTER? We are not toddlers. We are not Princesses (ok well I am, but then I decide when to put on my tutu and tiara and it’s not every day). So what on earth made you think grown women want GLITTER on their t-shirts? I feel like you do not know your customers at all? I’d expect this from some company who just tosses out some plus size items on the side, but JUST MY SIZE…WE ARE WHO YOU CATER TOO? Why would you put GLITTER on our chests? It’s not cute, not flattering…and actually GLITTER IS ANNOYING because it gets everywhere!
Do you think GLITTER designs are appropriate for Women’s clothing, regular or plus size? What’s your favorite “go to” Plus Size brand?
I HATE glitter with a passion! I even hate glitter on my daughter’s clothes and she is 11. 🙂
Woman Within and One Stop Plus are the best plus size stores online, WW has wide leg jeans that are great for large legs.
OMG I am SICK of the glitter! I am sick of the shirts too that look like something my grandma would wear. Ugh.
I love these tee shirts and they are no longer,around.Any idea who might carry them,